The Music Box, op.489 - (4 Pages)
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The Changeling - Music Box Lullaby op.274 (January 1979)
A piano piece composed as theme for the feature film
A concert pianist (George C.Scott) moves into a haunted house and becomes obsessed with an old music box tune, which he begins to play on the piano. Howard wrote and recorded this theme for the film, first on celeste (like a music box) and then as a complete concert piano work. It was director Peter Medak's intention for Howard to write the entire score but it went to Kenn Wannberg and Rick Wilkins in Canada. The film was directed by Peter Medak and produced by Joel Michaels in Vancouver.
Later Howard included the piece in his piano collection 'Lifecycle' (op.489), beautifully recorded in 2003 by pianist William Chen on ABC Classics